Pelvic Floor Therapy in Regina
& Emerald Park / White City
*Pelvic floor therapy is now being offered in Regina and Emerald Park Clinics*
What is Pelvic F​loor Physical Therapy?
To Kegal or not? That is the golden question. It remains common misinformation, that everyone should do kegals. This is actually incorre​ct. Kegals are not for everyone! Even when kegals are indicated, often they are being done incorrectly.
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy (specialized therapy) is very similar to main-stream physical therapy in some ways; and different in others. It is similar because main-stream physical therapy addresses and treats the neuromusculoskeletal system; targeting your muscles, joints, connective tissue, and nervous system. Many issues of the bladder, bowel, and pelvic area are occurring because of dysfunction of the muscles, connective tissue, or nerves in the pelvic area. Pelvic floor physical therapy is treated differently in that because the pelvic floor muscles are deeper; assessment can not be done superficially as done with other parts of the body.

What are the Symptoms of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction / What does Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Treat?
Pelvic floor physical therapy is used to treat disorders or symptoms caused by imbalances in muscle tone to the pelvic floor and associated muscles and structures.
Here is a list of common conditions:
- Frequent urination
- Strong urge to urinate (urgency)
- Incontinence (uncontrolled loss of urine or stool)
- Pelvic pain (Pain in the pelvis, abdomen, during intercourse)
- Constipation
- Pregnancy/Post Pregnancy pain
- Pelvic organ prolapse
What To Expect At My Appointment....
Examination of the pelvic floor is performed by palpating the perineal area; including the vagina and/or rectum. Internal palpation is an integral part of the pelvic floor assessment and is considered the gold standard treatment. During the examination, your therapist is assessing skin condition, muscle tone, strength, endurance, scar mobility, and function of the pelvic floor.
See all of our women's health offerings.

Specialized Training
Jannah and Dee have taken all her pelvic floor training through Pelvic Health Solutions; an evidence based teaching company in Ontario. Both pelvic floor physical therapists have received their specialized procedure certification through the Saskatchewan College of Physical Therapists to practice pelvic floor physical therapy.