Self Pay - Direct Billing
Through Telus eClaims
Haas Physical Therapy is able to direct bill to numerous private insurance plans through Telus eClaims. To check which insurance companies have partnered with Telus eClaims visit their website here or contact us (306)-559-5676 to review if we are able to direct bill to your private insurance.
For clients paying privately or if your insurance is not listed with Telus eClaims, Haas Physical Therapy accepts payment with credit card, debit, or cash. Receipts, with all required information for tax purposes, or insurer reimbursement will be provided.
Here is a list of just some of the insurance companies that we direct bill today.
Canada Life, Sunlife, Manulife, Desjardins, IA Financial Group, Johnson, Johnston Group, Equitable Life of Canada, Beneva, BPA, GMS, Coughlin, Claimsecure, Cowan, CINUP, First Canadian Insurance, Group Source and more.
We are also setup for Physical Therapy direct billing with the RCMP, and CAF (Canadian Armed Forces) and VA (Veteran Affairs).

We are accredited with Saskatchewan WCB for physical therapy services. This means we are able to directly bill WCB for primary physiotherapy assessment and treatment. The following services are provided by your therapist:
- assessment and treatment of the injury
- development of a home exercise program
- education regarding your injury and expectations of recovery
- written communication to WCB and your employer as required
- development of a return to work program and progressions as needed

We are accredited with Saskatchewan Government Insurance for physical therapy services. This means we are able to directly bill SGI for primary physiotherapy assessment and treatment for client's that have been involved in a motor vehicle accident.
The following services are provided by your therapist:
- assessment and treatment of the injury
- development of a home exercise program
- education regarding your injury and expectations of recovery
- written communication to SGI and your employer as required
- development of a return to work program and progressions as needed.