Complete Concussion Management
in Regina Area
*Complete Concussion services are currently offered at our Emerald Park location*

Haas Physical Therapy is proud to be a certified provider of the Complete Concussions Program. We offer comprehensive, evidence-based concussion care, from pre-season baseline assessments to treatment and rehabilitation. Our program is designed to support patients and athletes in safely returning to school, work, and sports.
What is a Concussion?
A concussion is a type of brain injury caused by the rapid acceleration or deceleration of the brain after a significant impact, either directly to the head or elsewhere on the body. This impact disrupts brain cell function and reduces blood flow, leading to temporary impairments in brain activity.
Common symptoms include, but are not limited to, loss of consciousness, headaches, head pressure, neck pain, nausea, vomiting, cognitive difficulties, dizziness, and balance issues.
Concussion Treatment
After a concussion, it is important to seek care from a healthcare professional with specialized training in concussion management as soon as possible. Studies show that one of the strongest predictors of successful concussion recovery is how quickly you are assessed by a concussion specialist.
The sooner you receive expert care, the more effective your recovery will be.
Typically, it is advised to follow a period of 'symptom-limited' physical and mental rest for the first 24-48 hours post-injury. After this initial rest, a gradual reintroduction of cognitive and physical activity is recommended, with guidance from a licensed healthcare provider trained in concussion management.
If concussion symptoms persist beyond 7 to 10 days, an individualized treatment and rehabilitation plan should be initiated.
Research supports that early treatment, including specific cardio exercises, visual and vestibular rehabilitation, neck and whiplash treatment, along with dietary guidance, supplements, and patient education, is key for optimal recovery.
As part of our Complete Concussions program, we offer a full-suite of evidence-based concussion treatment services & strategies including:

Pre-Season Testing
Multimodal pre-season testing, also known as Baseline Concussion Testing, is a series of physical and cognitive assessments that give a snapshot of healthy brain function. This includes testing areas such as balance, reaction time, memory, visual tracking speed, and other brain functions. Essentially, it provides a clear picture of how your brain operates when you're healthy. If you experience a concussion, these baseline results can help identify areas of deficit and the extent of those deficits. This information is valuable in guiding treatment strategies and determining when your brain has fully recovered, allowing you to safely return to your sport. It's important to note that not all baseline testing is the same. The Complete Concussions protocol stands out by integrating the most effective evidence-based tools to provide a comprehensive overview of brain function.

Download the Concussion Tracker app for free today on the App Store and Google Play!

Concussion Tracker Smartphone Application
The Concussion Tracker smartphone app supports safer return-to-sport decisions
for young athletes and helps with your concussion care overall. The app captures
and shares an athletes’ concussion status in real time and allows concussed patients
to interact with their care provider and provide regular symptom updates and
clinical check-ins.
Where a concussion hits, Concussion Tracker allows users to:
Perform neurocognitive assessments and compare to baseline
Report and track concussions
Conduct sideline assessments
Ensure seamless communication
Record athlete’s recovery status and timeline
Scan and share medical documents
Track daily symptoms for recovery progress
Store and view pre-season baseline concussion test results